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The Cosmetic Collection



EDITORIAL make-up artist Elke Von Freudenberg, based in Los Angeles and New York, is behind the very welcome Cosmetic Collection. As someone who has worked with virtually every make-up line in her workincluding her experience as the make-up artist for magazines, designers, celebrities, and conducting seminars for clients such as Aveda and Brushes by KarenElke understands women's needs and has begun her own line, available exclusively over the internet.

Jafra Cosmetics ad; photography by Ron DerachopianCredit for Ron Derachopian

   'I've always wanted to start my own line, since I am sensitive to synthetic ingredients,' she explains. 'I really wanted a product that addressed those needs as well as being fashionable and up-to-date with colours in the fashion scene.' The internet, meanwhile, allows Elke to keep the product cost down, and be more responsive to customers who contact her company for beauty tips and product advice. continued

Nail polishes

Above Among the top-selling items at The Cosmetic Collection are their range of nail polishes. Left Among Elke Von Freudenberg's work is the make-up for this print ad for Jafra Cosmetics

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'To me, make-up is all about creativity, and bringing out the beauty in a woman.'

E L K E   V O N   F R E U D E N B E R G



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