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Previous pageThe Cosmetic Collection/continued


Photography by Mike McGillMike McGill credit

Above Make-up by Elke Von Freudenberg, photography by Mike McGill. Ms Von Freudenberg brings her experience as a make-up artist into a high-quality, professional and value-for-money range of cosmetics. Below The Cosmetic Collection has an extensive range of lipsticks in the latest colours



'All women are beautiful, and with the right tools and knowledge, we can bring out the best in us.
Makeup is definitely an art, and to me, the canvas just happens to be our face."

E L K E   V O N   F R E U D E N B E R G

HOT ITEMS at The Cosmetic Collection include:

  • new nail polishes
  • an editorial secretthe Collection's Liquid Powder, 'a skin-coloured cream that you apply before foundation or alone, to keep skin matte and shine-free all day'

    Top-selling Cosmetic Colors

    Soft Dawn Lipstick
    Java Lipstick

    Congo Eye Shadow
    Nude Lip Pencil
    Steel Buttons Nail Polish

  • the Portfolio ColorWheela wheel of five different-coloured concealers to hide discolourations on the skin
  • Lip Triothree lipsticks are included in this package: Erase, to erase dark lip stains; Moisture, a vitamin E stick for soft sheen and moisture; and Lip Scrub, to buff chapped lips.

       Elke envisages that spring 1998 will be about 'skin', celebrating women's beauty. 'The wet, drugged-out look is over,' she says, and thankfully so! 'Romantic, soft, dewy, shimmering, pretty faces.' Her tips for the season are strong colours, such as 'greys, pinks, fuschia, irridescent shimmers in white, gold, silvers.' Summer 1998 will bring more "colour" in 'watermelon colours, a focus on the cheeks (again), colour on the mouth, soft eyes. Eyebrows are perfectly shaped, yet stronger in colour, and slightly thicker. Lips are still glossy, colourful, minus the lip-pencil.'
       The trends mark a refreshing change back to femininity and beautyand The Cosmetic Collection will be taking you there! End of article


  • The Cosmetic Collection
  • Online portfolio for Elke Von Freudenberg
  • Lucire Shopping guide

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