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Top: Calyxy bra and tanga in tangerine. Above: Bayou bra and bikini pant in flash pink.

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   Bendon has done exceptionally well Down Under establishing the Elle Macpherson brand and is now targeting new markets. With the reader interest in Elle remaining high, it could do well.
   There are concerns. The first is that a cluster of fashion houses in Auckland, New Zealand, where the Bendon Group is based, has been dismissed by industry players, according to The New Zealand Herald. The possibility of the private sector forming alliances for export seems less likely. This is a smaller matter, given Bendon has been successful in commencing ventures by itself.
   The second concern is more tied to the development of the brand. A regional European strategy might have to be implemented, because Elle Macpherson Intimates is less well known there than in its home country. It will mean a new launch phase for the brand. Meanwhile, those familiar with it have grown with it, accepting that Elle Macpherson is a mother and businesswoman. It is accepted that a new season brings with it a new collection from Elle Macpherson.
   The bottom line is that provided both men and women continue to have interest in Elle Macpherson, the supermodel, then it would logically translate to interest in Elle Macpherson, the brand.

Lucire: ‘Elle Macpherson, the brand’—a 10-year celebration (December 2000)
Lucire: ‘Bra and associations’ (December 2000)
Lucire: ‘Reshaping the future’—the Elle Macpherson Silicone Valley bra (September 2000)
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