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W ITH THE FLOOD of big names such as Jennifer Lopez, Sean Combs, Stella McCartney and countless others who are making their fashion presence known, a name like Oliver Christian Herold might be overlooked in the grand scheme of fashion. It is no secret that hundreds of new designers attempt to catch an editor's eye to gain some type of recognition and launch a start.
   For Oliver Christian Herold this was the case when Lucire was introduced to him via email four months ago. I dashed down to see his collection, housed in his small apartment. I observed a designer who had a serious issue he just could not shake: the exploitation of native Americans by college universities and professional sports' clubs, such as the Atlanta Braves and Washington Redskins. I had never seen such an "in your face" approach to this issue in the world of fashion and in addition to this theme I saw extremely crafted garments using high-quality leathers and suedes.

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