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Above and right: More Bondian adventures from Giao Ngoc Tran. Below and far right: Carolyn Barker's Plush label..


Ellen Mann

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Rebekah Atkins


   While there was a mid-week surprise with the first menswear collection from the House of Hank—he had, prior to this, been the manufacturer for other labels—the real fashion action was at the Designer Collection. We did know of journalists who didn’t like the evening and one made some enemies for life with her report, and others who felt some of Wellington's finest didn't try hard enough, but on balance, we enjoyed our time there.
   For Andrea Moore, think stunning, wistful and daringly original. Her clothes are harking back to the late ’70s for inspiration; there are pleats and folds that other designers wouldn't dare touch. It’s all about a shot of Manhattan and an inhjection of New York nightlife. Essentially this collection is fun and funky with a Cosmopolitan touch. What more can you say: it’s sexy and simple.
   Given the design angle it was perhaps unorthodox to have the girls come out as tiara-wearing princesses, but Moore showed why she has the city's highest profile as a designer. Red and pink were there—we always spotted them but it was only this season that we realized they are musts—but Moore didn't use them religiously. A bright, sexy collection, exposed by one breast out of the loose dresses and arguably the most elegant of the evening for us.

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