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Nicola Screen


Above and top right: Servian respects wearers' individuality.


Ellen Mann

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As to Annah S. herself: think of a 40-something with her head screwed on the right way and impeccable taste


   Kathy Servian forecast an adaptable and trendy season ahead. Simple and classic lines with original mixes of cloth and colour. And where she could, she went very Armani and essentially Versace-esque. A label that recognizes wearers' individuality, it's one to look out for in the near future.
   Annah S. was also a newbie to WFF but she soon made the right impression with icon model (and professional dancer) Halina, whom Lucire interviews elsewhere, pirouetting on stage in a dress made for dance. And as to Annah S. herself: think of a 40-something with her head screwed on the right way and impeccable taste. Minimalism and floral inspired. Frills on! Also monochromatic shots with a unique twist on dressing and finishing. Lots of bias cuts and sheers—another winner!
   The idea behind Annah S. is simple: ageless, seasonless—so nice that they become must-haves. It might be safe to think of this as the third-best collection of the evening, even if we're not exactly giving out prizes.
   The other contrast of the evening for Lucire was that we weren't rushing to supply photographs for the media the following day. Instead, we took it easy, resting till the grand finalé of WFF: the Deutz Ball, at the Duxton Hotel.

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