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Lighting effects at the Waxman show. Top right and above: YSO. Far right and right: Rudsak.


Lucire spring-summer 2003

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‘Every collection was strong and made a statement. It makes you proud to see how much solid, exciting talent there is here.’

Marilyn Morley
Fashion Editor, Style



EADING everyone’s "A" list: the little "find" of a boutique. You know, the hidden gem, exclusive of course, holding undiscovered wonders of forward design. You get such a thrill, knowing you’re among the first to get in on the next big thing, just a step ahead of the rest of the world.
   Montréal Fashion Week III, held September 3 through 6, may just have been the industry equivalent of that phenomenon. True, most of the designers showing their collections for spring–summer 2003 are not yet household names in New York, Paris or Hong Kong, what with the emphasis on young, individualistic, dynamic designers. But the event did make for a critical mass of emerging talent—and for an extraordinary week of shows.

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