Above, far right and below right: The Rose de
Sables show by Muse, by Christian Chenail. Below: Denis Gagnon.
Denis Gagnon
Is fashion different here? Among
North American cities, people-watchers consistently vote Montréal
at the top for the sheer number of stylish women
fashion different here? Among North American cities, people-watchers
consistently vote Montréal at the top for the sheer number
of stylish women. And their ranks are not limited to the socialite
or celebrity. With an economy driven by high-tech new media, the
city attracts and employs droves of the young, hip, and increasingly
more affluent. They tend to encourage and wear the creations of
youthful, edgy, dynamic designers.
Among whom can be counted Denis Gagnon. His début
collection for most was the absolute high point of the week. A packed
house at Hangar 16 in the Old Port emitted appreciative Ahs
as one after another of his creations for women, mostly of wispy
silks played against crisp cotton twill, hit the catwalk. Predominant
colours were black and white, a major theme in most collections
for spring 2003, it seems. But this was a collection apart, as witnessed
by an audience that leapt as one to its feet to give the designer
an unbridled and prolonged ovation.