toward Kungsholmen, one has to pass the Statshusen, where the Nobel
prizes are presented. This is a more classical part of Stockholm,
once heavily industrial and now, quietly residential. Walking along
Lake Mälaren, this is one of the most peaceful parts of the
city. A few blocks away, theres more nightlife, police cars
occasionally passing the bars. It is between these contrasts that
Sergej Gerasimenko has his showroom for Returdesign, the environmentally
conscious brand of choice when it comes to furniture.
Gerasimenko is in an enviable location in Stockholm,
one that blends the urban hip mood of trendy eateries (one being
a converted water closet) and the quietness in which artists indulge.
Its fitting for a man who takes recycled corrugated board
and turns it into environmentally friendly furniture. In addition,
the items are practical and comfortable, all a consequence of their
Ukranian-born and a graduate of both the Technical
University of Budapest and the Royal Academy of Art, Stockholm,
Gerasimenko is an unassuming man when you first meet him but evidently
passionate about his furniture designs. The idea behind them goes
beyond function: he expects people to find a playful edge to his
creations. It is in this combination of engineering skill and humanity
that made Gerasimenko the flavour of the month after establishing
his studio in Stockholm a little over 10 years agobut Returdesigns
gospel is even more relevant in the twenty-first century, with talk
of sustainability, natural harmony and balance.
Returdesigns gospel
of recyclable paper furniture is even more relevant in the 21st
century, with talk of sustainability,
natural harmony and balance
Bookshelf made of corrugated board, meeting strict European Union
fire regulations. Sergej Gerasimenko jokes that a bookshelfs
contents have a greater chance of igniting. TOP:
Office furniture, with a lacquered finish. ABOVE:
A more pure office style in exposed cardboard. LEFT:
Tested: a trade show café using Returdesign furniture.