Launched in French cinemas in March, Chanels Le Rouge commercial film, directed by Bettina Rheims, is a tribute to the Nouvelle Vague work of Jean-Luc Godard
all photographs and images courtesy Chanel
has always, consciously or not, conveyed a sense of Frenchness and
its latest 45-second promotional film, marketing its Rouge Allure
lipstick, is expressly inspired by Jean-Luc Godards Le
Mépris, which starred Brigitte Bardot.
The 21st-century version introduces Geneva-born
model Julie Ordon, who claims Marilyn Monroe is her favourite star.
If Monroe only wore Chanel No. 5 to bed, then Ordon has followed
in those footsteps by wearing only the companys Rouge Allure
in her bed scenes, as she asks, And my lipsdo you love
my lips?
Instead of Bardots cigarette, Ordon has
her lipstickbut at no time do you feel this is a parody, but
a real tribute.
Chanel has bought into the film aspectonly
in one place in its promotional material did we spot the word advertisingthough
like many French publicités, the production values
are immensely high.
Famed photographer Bettina Rheims takes the directors
chair this time, while Chanels Jacques Helleu, who created
Rouge Allure and oversees the perfume and beauty divisions
image, art-directed.
Georges Delerues music from Le Mépris
has been reused for the 45-second promo.
Typographically, it follows the iconic Chanel
house style.
Rouge Allure itself is available internationally
in 26 shades, not just the one donned by Ordon in the film.
The film was shot in Paris between November 6
and 9 last year. It was first shown on French television on March
4 and in cinemas on the 21st.
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Left: The making of the Chanel film, directed
by Bettina Rheims, art-directed by Jacques Helleu, and modelled
by Julie Ordon. Above: Shots from the final 45-second film.