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Left Amid journalists, fans and security personnel, Gisèle Bündchen becomes the new environmental ambassador for UNEP.

Gisèle Bündchen is UNEP’s new goodwill ambassador

Supermodel Gisèle Bündchen joins a worthy cause, one which Lucire paved the way for in 2003, as she becomes the new UNEP environmental ambassador


ONLY ONE MODERN MODEL raises almost no arguments when she is given the supermodel tag: Gisèle Bündchen. Since she came to prominence in the early 2000s, even the supermodels of the 1980s believe she deserves the tag, as arguably the most recognized in her profession today. Helping her position is Forbes’s annual list that shows that she is the highest paid in the industry.

A lot of celebrities are hopping on the environmental bandwagon, and Bündchen is the latest. However, it’s a cause that’s close to our hearts: the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), which we ourselves partnered with in 2003. It was this tie-up, and later our work with “eco-model” and our editor-at-large Summer Rayne Oakes, that gave us our green credentials.

Back then, as the first fashion industry partner of the UNEP, we argued that the environment needed a bit of glamour to help promote it, a sentiment that the international agency agreed with. It was a first for UNEP. Since then, UNEP has embarked on similar partnerships, and Bündchen is its latest.

Bündchen became the UNEP’s environmental ambassador on September 20 at Washington Square Park Fountain, New York City.

Her mission is similar to ours: she is to help UNEP raise awareness and inspire action to protect the environment. ‘The new goodwill ambassador will help focus attention on some of the biggest threats facing the planet, climate change and environmental degradation,’ says the UNEP.

‘I’m really honoured to join UNEP’s work on the environment,’ she says. ‘The environment has always been my passion. I grew up in a small town and I had the opportunity to live surrounded by nature. I couldn’t have asked for a better childhood. We must act now, so future generations have the same opportunity. Mother Earth is our fundamental life-support system, and by becoming aware and responsible now, we can assist in preserving the planet.

‘I have been working on environmental issues for a long time and agreed to become a goodwill ambassador to be part of a global and far-reaching organization. Now it’s about action on a global scale to secure a healthy future for the next generation, wherever they live in the world.’

Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director says, ‘Gisèle is among a handful of talented individuals and personalities that have a truly global reach. She is also a committed and passionate environmentalist. UNEP is delighted to welcome her on board as a goodwill ambassador so that with her help, we can make environmental action a global brand and a life-style choice, from New York to Nairobi and from Sao Paolo to Shanghai.’ •


Above Gisèle Bündchen becomes the new UNEP goodwill ambassador, joined by UN Under-Secretary-General Achim Steiner.



‘I have been working on environmental issues for a long time and agreed to become a goodwill ambassador to be part of a global and far-reaching organization. Now it’s about action on a global scale to secure a healthy future for the next generation, wherever they live in the world’

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