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Sylvie van der Vaart in BMW 3er Cabrio (E90) Not a hair out of place Former Miss Bundesliga, and arguably Germany’s most famous WAG, Sylvie van der Vaart, in a BMW 3-series cabriolet in the company’s wind tunnel.

Blown away, but not literally

The Netherlands’ and Germany’s most famous WAG, Sylvie van der Vaart (née Meis), gives BMW’s convertibles a hair test


CONVERTIBLES MESS UP your hair badly, right? Dutch-born, German-resident “footballer’s wife” Sylvie van der Vaart put it to the test with two BMW convertibles 22 years apart—a 1987 3-series, and a brand-new model—inside the company’s München wind tunnel.

Van der Vaart was put in to the 1987 model, complete with 1980s’ hairstyle and dress, to see what would happen to her hair at 60 km/h. The result—which is also on our Lucire TV video today—is not pleasant for her hair.

Fast forward to the 2009 BMW. As the wind tunnel cranked up to 60 km/h, there’s so little effect on van der Vaart’s hair that she had to raise her hand above the windscreen to check if any wind was generated.

While it was a publicity stunt for the BMW models, it was a good way to illustrate that some companies consider women’s hair. Our test of the Audi A4 some years back showed that that company allowed drivers to install a shield behind the driver’s seat, which was a temporary solution; admittedly, the BMW solution of managing air flows around the car is more appealing to more people.

The shoot, which was filmed earlier this year, took place before van der Vaart’s cancer diagnosis; after chemotherapy, the 31-year-old is working again. •

Lucire TV
Click here to watch our video of Sylvie van der Vaart’s BMW wind tunnel test


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