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Lucire: Living
the scene

Lucire 2010 You have to love it The Love Ball London benefited the Naked Heart Foundation.

London sparkles at the Love Ball

Celebrities headed to Camden’s Roundhouse on February 23 for the De Beers-supported Love Ball London, benefiting the Naked Heart Foundation
photographed by Claire R. Greenway and Chris Jackson, and courtesy De Beers and Getty Images


Clockwise, from top left Leona Lewis. Natalia Vodianova. Elizabeth Hurley-Nayar and Arun Nayar. Charlotte Casiraghi. Stella McCartney and friend. Giorgio Veroni and Tamara Beckwith. Heather Kerzner and De Beers CEO François Delage. Amber Le Bon. Rosie Huntingdon Whitely. Kate Moss. Mario Testino. Jacquetta Wheeler. Julia Restoin Roitfeld. Caroline Sieber.


WHEN DE BEERS IS one of the supporters, guests dress up even more glamorously. The Love Ball London, held at Camden’s Roundhouse, saw royalty in the form of Charlotte Casiraghi, the fashion set such as Kate Moss and Natalia Vodianova, Lucy Yeomans, Suzy Menkes and Hilary Alexander representing the press, and showbusiness celebrities including Elizabeth Hurley-Nayar, Joely Richardson and Leona Lewis.

Other than the De Beers necklace that was the centrepiece of the auction, which Vodianova had modelled, Hurley was the talk of the event, with her see-through sari. The daring dress recalled “that dress”: the safety pin-held Versace that brought Hurley to the attention of those who had not seen her in various British dramas before, back in 1994. •


continued: more images of Natalia and Elizabeth in ‘Insider’


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