LIVING Since she joined our team a year ago, Lucire KSA editor Annie Wahab makes visits after each issue’s publication to many of her featured subjects
One of the wonderful touches that Lucire KSA editor Qurratulain (Annie) Wahab brings to our magazine’s family is her personal visits to some of her feature interviewees after each issue’s publication.
As we celebrate a year of Annie being with Lucire, we look back at some of her visits.
In February, she presented copies of Lucire KSA to Eyad Mashat, the king of Saudi fashion retail and the brains and driving force behind Femi9 and Vivid Flair.
In April, Nasiba Hafiz, the feature story in our issue that month, received her copy from Annie.
In June, she caught up with Nora Al-Shaikh, who was delighted we used her model on the cover—and had been anticipating the magazine after spotting a friend posting the cover on social media (right).
And in July, Annie saw both Rajaa Moumena of Future Institute and Sara Rayess of Foulard, who were both delighted to receive their copies.
With their permission, here are some of these moments caught in photographs during 2019.
We’re proud and thrilled to have Annie on our team and the individual attention she gives—and we look forward to continuing to shine a positive light on some wonderful, deserving people. •
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Photographed by Mohammed Al-Sagga
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