The global fashion magazine February 12, 2025 
Out now: Lucire issue 50, with free postage for UK


We now return to your regularly scheduled programme (sort of)


August 24, 2008/9.25

We apologize to readers for the loss of service on this blog for a few days. Lucire is planning a mobile edition and we had a glitch (caused by human error) in one of the lines of code. Please stay tuned as we do have news items to post up here from earlier days—there’s still a bit of tinkering to be done.
   Hopefully if the service is working properly, those sur?ng Lucire on their cellphones and PDAs will be arriving at this page ?rst rather than the traditional home page: we believe if you have the smaller screens to contend with, you will want up-to-the-minute news before they want the big glamour photographs on the traditional website home page. Please let us know in the comments what you think—it’s part of our extension into hand-held media and a new, exciting stage of our development.

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culture / journalism / Lucire / media / New York / publishing / technology / trend
Filed by Jack Yan

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