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From the A pillar to Verve


May 31, 2009/16.58

I know Lucire is not a car maga­zine, but I thought I should clarify my state­ments about the A-pillar area on the Peu­geot 308 SW being messy. At left is a photo­graph I took on my old cell illus­trating what I meant. Some people might like all these lines that go nowhere and every­where—I don’t.
   While we also have an Audi A4 review online, more importantly, Bron Williams’ interview with tattooed hairstylist extraordinaire Richard Kavanagh is now on-site, and Bulgari had a bash for its 125th birthday.
   Elyse Glickman, meanwhile, talks to Deborah Anderson, on her new photographic book, Paperthin.
   Meanwhile, I should publicly acknowledge that Parmesh Shahani (below right), editorial director of Verve, whom I caught up with yesterday, thought Parmesh Shahanithat Stanley Moss hit the nail on the head with his choice of northern Indian luxury resorts. He says that most non-Indians wouldn’t have known of these, and that Stanley did his research in finding the truly best.
   Verve has an amazing issue coming up in a few months. I am sworn to secrecy, but Indians will love it when that issue hits the stands.

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Filed by Jack Yan

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