Energy Online has launched a sequel to its viral video from 2015, which showed door-to-door power company salespeople get scared off by an angry door-knocker.
The message from the Genesis Energy brand is that door-knocking is so 20th-century, and it’s far easier and less threatening if you went to a website to make up your own mind.
Even though the ad proved a hit, Energy Online has decided to do a follow-up for 2016, with the action dialled up considerably in a post-Jurassic World era.
The salespeople are more international this time and have a range of accents, although the surprise guest who greets them only has one: scary.
A house with a sign, ‘Doorknockers Beware’ and an illustration of a dinosaur tells the sellers just what to expect. The connection between a prehistoric creature and door-knocking being old-fashioned might not be that subtle, but it makes for a very humorous spot.
The real kicker is that the dinosaur is called ‘Mr T’, though it’s not as big as a tyrannosaurus rex.
And while filmed in a “hidden camera” style, don’t fear: the salespeople are actors and, like the 2015 spot, there’s some clever computer-generated imagery involved.
Energy Online says that, on average, people spend nine minutes a year interacting with their power company, so they wanted something fun to cut through all the messages and media people get these days.
As a challenger brand, they wanted things to be more fun and light-hearted, and hired Contagion, the agency, to create the various spots for them.
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