Canadian brand la Vie en Rose has unveiled a brassière campaign focused on each woman’s individual beauty, a theme that has been emerging lately in marketing intimate apparel.
Its rival on the other side of the Atlantic, Triumph, has a campaign recognizing a woman’s many roles, and that she must find the perfect fit. La Vie on Rose, meanwhile, also recognizes that women have different needs but she must have comfort. The execution is very different: the Canadian label has a group of models from different ethnic backgrounds, ages (albeit still young) and bust size, promoting each woman’s confidence.
La Vie en Rose’s Marie-Noël Gervais, VP for ecommerce and marketing strategy, said, ‘Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the confidence she radiates. At la Vie en Rose, we are convinced that a woman can be confident only if she is comfortable first. Our new Confidence through Comfort campaign is not a repositioning, because comfort has always been a priority for la Vie en Rose. It is an evolution of our image, a clear affirmation of who we are, and of our products’ DNA.’
She added, ‘We have a social media community that shares a lot with us. They want to feel good first, please themselves before anyone else and accept and enjoy who they are and how they look.’
A new style, the Sweetheart (above), was also launched to coincide with the new campaign. The design offers the wearer a ‘perfect contour’ without extra padding, and offers a moderate cleavage.