A soft launch for now: Panos: My Life, My Odyssey has appeared in paperback at Libriz, our online shop, with free shipping for US buyers.
Going from hardcover to paperback means a drop in retail price, now hovering at around the US$17 mark. As we use a British supplier, we’re charged in pounds sterling, and the shop is set to that behind the scenes, though we will show the US dollar equivalent if you’re visiting from there.
This paperback edition about Sweden’s most famous swimwear designer has been subtly revised and updated, and we sourced some new higher-resolution photographs for the colour section. Page size is the same as the original. Check it out here.
Above: A virtual preview of how Panos: My Life, My Odyssey looks as we prepared the paperback version for printing.
When we talk about the addition of a print edition to Lucire in 2004—20 years ago this year—we never think of it as particularly historical. It was a sensible move at the time, and I felt the brand was strong enough. What I didn’t realize was that we might have been the first publication to do this anywhere.
I’ve tended to qualify this, by saying we were the first fashion publication to go from web to print, and then the first to do so in more than one country. This I knew as an absolute fact. However, regular web searches have yielded nothing outside of fashion that pre-dates our move.
There is Yahoo! Internet Life, which did exist in a print format before us, but on closer inspection, this was not really a brand extension. This was a licensing deal, and the magazine didn’t really reflect the original web directory in any way. It was, instead, an early web culture and lifestyle publication. Its publisher was not Yahoo!, but Ziff–Davis.
If my suspicions are correct, we might be able to make the bolder claim. Does anyone know for sure?
Postscript: Slate published a weekly print digest of its articles in 1996–2005, so we were right to qualify our earlier statements. It was prepared in Word format for black-and-white printing and stapling at the Microsoft copy shop, and retailed for US$3 a copy at selected Starbucks.
Jack Yan is founder and publisher of Lucire.
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