Mellerio, directed by its current descendant, Laure-Isabelle Mellerio, has shown the Jardin Pierreries necklace, which the centuries-old (dating from 1613) jewellery house says is inspired by nature, and boasts a connection to the Bouquet de perce-neige et feuillage front corsage of 1855. It retails for a cool €185,000, including tax.
It features amethysts, diamonds and purple sapphires, with 18 ct yellow gold, 18 ct pink gold, and 18 ct green gold.
The house uses plants and gardens in its language, describing the amethysts as being surrounded by a corolla of gold, diamonds and violet sapphires, each branch akin to a twig, spreading out like a diadem. Close up, the smaller stones representing the leaves and stems do indeed have distinctive shapes.
There is a total of 812 stones coming in at 252·14 ct, the gold weighs 94·74 g, and the size is adjustable between 40 and 45 cm.
It can be ordered online or by phone. One can also book an appointment to view it at the house’s atelier in Paris.