The global fashion magazine February 12, 2025 
Out now: Lucire issue 50, with free postage for UK


In brief: Feedspot’s top 100; issue 50 digital editions this week; and a classic novel reissued

In prestigious company at Feedspot; Scopalto and Magzter retail latest issue; and George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four joins our publisher’s fiction stable
January 27, 2025/10.35

How lovely to see Lucire featured in Feedspot’s ‘Top 100 Fashion Magazines in 2025’. We made the cut some years ago with Feedspot, so it’s nice to see we’re still present in their latest listing, in 21st place. There are some big multinational titles ahead of us, so we’ll happily take 21st in this ranking, two behind Women’s Wear Daily. And three ahead of British Vogue.

We do miss a decent, curated list of websites. In this day and age, when you can’t trust search engines because of all the disinformation they index, and sometimes (in the case of Google) even fund and rank highly, a credible, human-edited selection is just what you need. Curlie (formerly the Open Directory Project, and before that Dmoz, Gnuhoo and Newhoo) still does one, and from what we can tell, the fashion magazines’ sections are up-to-date; and Feedspot’s Anuj Agarwal has taken his time to produce something of his own accord. It’s well worth checking out.
For those of you wanting to have a smaller carbon footprint, digital versions of our global issue 50 should be available on Scopalto and Magzter this week. We are considering retailing a PDF edition ourselves at Libriz, as we feel it’s a decent, stable platform. Your feedback is welcome.
Nineteen Eighty-Four cover, designed by Jack Yan
Finally, for this update: on January 21, George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four was added to Libriz as JY&A Media’s second fiction title. It is primarily aimed at the UK market and in countries were the work has entered the public domain, so unlike A Farewell to Arms, we haven’t targeted the US market. The book is a cautionary tale. We realize that JY&A Media’s goal is to bring the joy of knowledge, and those who know the work will know its downbeat nature. However, if we avoid the sort of totalitarian régime outlined in the novel, then we can have joy of knowledge. Think of it as part of a longer game plan.
Jack Yan is founder and publisher of Lucire.

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culture / design / environment / living / Lucire / New Zealand / publishing / technology
Filed by Jack Yan

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