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Condé Nast Portfolio is worth the $60 a year

November 23, 2007/8.05

[Cross-posted] Every now and then, there’s a magazine that captures my imagination. In 1988, it was Autocar; by the early 1990s, it was Wired, then Fast Company by the end of the decade. Now, the magazine (other than any I publish!) is Condé Nast Portfolio.    I’m annoyed that, like Business Week, Portfolio is next to […]

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That little RSS button


Since last year, eagle-eyed readers will have noticed an RSS link at the top right of every page at Lucire’s online edition that does not work. This was due to a company that we had charged with creating our CMS (content management system) not delivering. But if readers do not mind, I would like to change […]

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Tesla Roadster delayed, but not due to batteries

October 29, 2007/22.58

Darryl Siry at Tesla Motors sent out an email today advising that The New York Times got an important fact wrong about the production delay facing the Tesla Roadster. On his blog are the facts: I spoke with John Markoff, the author of the article, and he said he was apologetic for the error and […]

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A future Lucire Car to Be Seen in?

October 28, 2007/5.19

[Cross-posted] Honda’s Takeo Fukui has said that he will put the world’s ?rst hydrogen fuel-cell car on the market by next year, with a sticker price of around £50,000. The car emits water vapour as its “exhaust”.    This is fabulous thinking: rather than hold the technology back, as all the other automakers are doing, […]

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100 per cent New Zealand-designed

October 27, 2007/1.16

Yesterday, I saw this proclamation one time too many: ‘100% New Zealand Design’.    I worked for a company once, as a design assistant, that stated on its catalogue that it was 100 per cent ‘Designed in New Zealand’. Well, not only is this a wishy-washy statement trying to detract from the stigma of off-shore manufacture; in the […]

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The Tesla Roadster is ready

October 13, 2007/23.29

Here’s Lucire’s Car to be Seen in 2007, in production and available to the public. The Tesla Roadster might not sound throaty and grunty but for those of us who grew up with Knight Rider, I suspect we will not care. And the rich environmentalists and celebs who will buy one certainly won’t. You may […]

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Meeting Donna Loveday

October 6, 2007/3.42

[Cross-posted] Had a great chat this morning to curator Donna Loveday from the Design Museum. Her exhibition, When Philip Met Isabella, a tribute to milliner Philip Treacy and the late Isabella Blow, is on at the New Dowse in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, after dropping by in St Petersburg and Melbourne, and I would seriously […]

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OK, just one more post on Vogue covers

October 1, 2007/22.46

From Creative Review (“hat tip” to Flypaper): Scott King has done a series of parody Vogue covers, in a “what if?” post-Wintour scenario. Have a glance by clicking on the pic below.    If things come in threes, then this should (hopefully) be the last Vogue post for a while. You may also like Lucire updates: emerging […]

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Nous sommes contents

September 26, 2007/7.23

I sometimes wonder if our overseas readers, for whom the printed Lucires are less accessible, judge the hard copy by the website. In which case, this post is a good idea and may remove some uncertainties.    Before it is deleted, I retrieved the raw text ?le of the contents’ page from issue 24. This was […]

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Amber Peebles, Amanda Tomasoa on the Lucire brand

September 21, 2007/12.27

[Cross-posted] Another “refugee” story from 2006, already posted to my personal blog. But I think it’s worth a re-run, now that a Lucire blog exists.    Amber Peebles, Miss World New Zealand 2003–4 and now an MTV New Zealand host, is a bit of a fashion designer in her own right. She made the lace top […]

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