The global fashion magazine February 12, 2025 
Out now: Lucire issue 50, with free postage for UK

ID Dunedin makes official announcement about event

November 27, 2007/3.19

The official announcement about next year’s Southern Trust ID Dunedin Fashion Week has arrived, as expected.    As insiders know, the Southern Trust has taken over principal sponsorship of the event, after Vodafone felt its participation had run its course after 2007. And we’re glad the Trust has seen fit to support ID: it’s the premier […]

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Kiwi airlines compared

November 25, 2007/3.01

Another blog post was turned into a Lucire article today: my review of New Zealand airlines. Click here to read about my views on Air New Zealand versus Qantas versus the newcomer, Pacific Blue. Other news is scattered on sectional pages: new books from Lonely Planet; the Fiat 500 winning European Car of the Year; […]

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A long weekend in te Waka a Maui

November 24, 2007/11.32

It was a pleasure bumping in to former Lucire cover girl Amber Peebles (above, posing cheekily while eating salad), newly engaged to TV personality and entrepreneur Brooke Howard-Smith, at Style Christchurch last week.    Also present was Lizzie Gray, Miss New Zealand 2006, and both girls were more than ably looked after by producer extraordinaire Andhy Blake. […]

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Glamour comes in sixes

November 23, 2007/10.46

When sur?ng the Lucire Facebook group yesterday, I noted the six ladies that showed up in the members’ box were particularly glamorous. And not nobodies: Victoria Bunton of Sequel Events organized the Fashion on Q show last weekend at Peregrine Winery outside Queenstown and is a former model; Mary HD, whom I do not know, is, […]

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100 per cent New Zealand-designed

October 27, 2007/1.16

Yesterday, I saw this proclamation one time too many: ‘100% New Zealand Design’.    I worked for a company once, as a design assistant, that stated on its catalogue that it was 100 per cent ‘Designed in New Zealand’. Well, not only is this a wishy-washy statement trying to detract from the stigma of off-shore manufacture; in the […]

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The little anomalies of life

October 8, 2007/4.39

The original ‘People’s Coffee’ lies on Constable Street. ‘People’s’, or ‘Peeps’, as it is affectionately known, is the real deal among the over-hyped climate of charity-based companies. There are certain unspoken rules by which it makes ot easy to pick a newbie. First, the wait is part of the process: you are buying a “boutique coffee”. If […]

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The new Zinio edition, downloadable now

October 6, 2007/13.18

Due to a licensing mix-up with the US edition, we went on Zinio, then went off Zinio, and it was due to the New Zealand and Australian of?ces of this digital magazine delivery service that we had things sorted out for Lucire’s issue 23.    Last week, we uploaded issue 24, which took a tad longer […]

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Meeting Donna Loveday


[Cross-posted] Had a great chat this morning to curator Donna Loveday from the Design Museum. Her exhibition, When Philip Met Isabella, a tribute to milliner Philip Treacy and the late Isabella Blow, is on at the New Dowse in Lower Hutt, New Zealand, after dropping by in St Petersburg and Melbourne, and I would seriously […]

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Mailing follies

October 2, 2007/1.16

A recent (pre-move) conversation between editor Laura Ming-Wong and someone in the US sending her samples for consideration in the fashion section of Lucire went something like this.    ‘Have you received the samples yet?’    ‘No, where did you send them?’    ‘Laura Ming-Wong, Editor, Lucire, 2/20 Egmont Street, Wellington 6011, China.’    China?    Let me repeat that: […]

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The folly of geo-targeting in a world of global brands

October 1, 2007/12.32

In the 1990s, the geo-targeting of advertisements on websites was not very common. If a campaign went out—such as when Condé Nast’s advertised here to get its word out to fashionistas—it went out globally. We were paid, of course, for delivering campaigns to everyone.    Somewhere this century, advertising decided to take a backward step, […]

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