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Above: Elle Macpherson Intimates Straight Laced bra and tanga in daiquiri, available September.

HE ENDURING power of the Elle Macpherson Intimates Brand is felt strongly at Lucire, where our 10th anniversary tribute last December still ranks as one of the most widely read articles on the site. As covered during the holiday season in 2000, when intimate apparel manufacturers vie for market share, there is a necessity for brands to appeal to both men and women.
   While the jewellery sector indicates that there are women coveting their self-bought pieces as much as those given to them by their significant others, the marketing of lingerie continues to appeal to both sexes. It’s no surprise to find that our 10th anniversary special is linked from women’s and men’s interest sites.
   Bendon has not been ignorant of the shifts in buyer behaviour. With “girl power” an emerging theme—manifested in the song but it had been surfacing before that—the company’s Elle Macpherson Intimates brand, which has significant input from the supermodel from which it takes its name, is targeting the summer 2001 range as one about “what women want”.

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