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   'Yes, of course,' she replies. 'I understand that for a lot of people this [feature] is a first look at my designs, but the people who know my work don't find it difficult to identify my style.'
   This style comes from what Fernández describes as 'a great capacity to visualize.
   'When I'm designing, I basically work towards how I think the suit will look when it's finished and on. I pay special attention to achieving the perfect fit and enhancing the figure, always looking for beauty, simplicity and elegance.'
   The people who know her work are already on both sides of the Atlantic. Each of her clients has received personal attention through boutiques in Madrid, Barcelona and New York. With the internet boutique, she stated in her publicity material, 'I would be able to bring the experience I had gained with my customers in the high street to the whole world. I was beginning to find my limitations, working in two continents at the same time. Now, I can stay on top of the personal attention I like all my customers to receive.'

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Right: Classical triangle bikini in striped gold–white, in exclusive knitted Polyamide–Lycra, US$100.

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