Lucire The global fashion magazine February 16, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Jean Paul Gaultier meets Martin Solveig

Lucire was one of the first English-language media to break the news of the collaboration between Jean Paul Gaultier and Martin Solveig earlier today—here are a few more images from the video and behind the scenes



AS REPORTED AT LUCIRE ‘Insider’ earlier today, couturier Jean Paul Gaultier and Martin Solveig have released news of their collaboration, with Solveig’s new single, ‘Boys & Girls’, featuring Martina of Dragonette.

Solveig is a well known French music producer and house DJ. For ‘Boys & Girls’, Gaultier opened his maison de couture and cast himself in a guest role as the ‘guardian of the temple’.

The single can be downloaded from the Ma Dame website, at However, downloads are limited to 50,000 in France, Belgium, Switzerland and the Netherlands, and 100,000 in the rest of the world. There are original and extended versions and a David E. Sugar remix. These have been moving very fast on the first day (September 7, 2009).

Meanwhile, Jean Paul Gaultier Parfums celebrates the first anniversary of Ma Dame, with a pop rock version, called Rose ’n’ Roll. The limited-edition version hit stores on September 1, with two collector bottles. •

Left Martin Solveig and Jean Paul Gaultier. Above The limited-edition Rose ’n’ Roll bottle for Jean Paul Gaultier’s Ma Dame.


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