Lucire The global fashion magazine February 12, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Celebration Milano kicked off its fashion week with 40,000 attending the opening.

Milano loves fashion

Moda di Milano—Milan Fashion Week—kicked off with Costume National and a 40,000-strong audience
photographed by Thomaz



WHILE LONDONS BIG EVENT was the final Burberry show, Milano’s best was arguably its début, featuring CNC Costume National.

Showing its spring–summer 2010 collection, the September 24 opening, dubbed Milano Loves Fashion, attracted 40,000 people (it was open to the public), and took place at Milano’s Piazza del Duomo.

The presence of the Duomo cathedral in the background (it was located stage left and is not visible in our photographer Thomaz’s lovely shots) made for a lovely backdrop—as if to cement the fact that one was in Italy’s fashion capital.

This was the first time that we can recall where the Duomo featured so strongly at Milano; and where fashionistas and the public could sit side by side to see a trade collection.

Among the models on the catwalk was Pixie Geldof, daughter of Sir Bob, and celebrity acts included the Kills, the indie rock band formed by Alison Mosshart and Jamie Hince, and Palermo-born Eleonora Abbagnato, first dancer with the Ballet of the Opéra de Paris. •


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