LucireThe global fashion magazine July 27, 2024  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Ladies of the sea

Alexandra Owen white shirt, Deborah Sweeney long sequin trousers, Mi Piaci shoes, stylist’s own jewellery.

Sitting high in her castle above the sea
Watching the tree tops swaying elegantly
Was a girl craving to escape her luxury
Let me breathe
Let me live
Let me be

She drew in her breath full and deep,
Her eyes closed tight as if to sleep,
The chanting sea whispered, we have to meet
You will breath
You will live
You’ll be free

Samantha Hannah

Photographed by Luke Calder, Luke Calder Photography,
Styling by Samantha Hannah,
Hair by
Make-up by Dara Wakely,
Modelled by Sarah Gaskin and Jasmine Persson from the Agencie Management,
Digital retouching by Phil Moar,
Photographic assistant Nathan ‘Tonto’ Douglas
Special thanks to Amy Saunders

Featuring in issue 28 of Lucire


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