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Lucire: Fashion

Pierre Garroudi Left Pierre Garroudi speaks to Lucire from his workroom.

A preview at Pierre Garroudi Gallery

Douglas Rimington heads to Pierre Garroudi’s gallery for a personal look at the designer’s spring–summer 2011 collection
photographed by the author



DOWN CRUCIFIX LANE in London’s SE1 and under Arch 6 is Pierre Garroudi’s workshop. This is where he toils away creating articulate hand-made creations, not just the garments he will at London Fashion Week, but other items such as shoes, paintings and even the amazing lights hanging from the ceiling! Sculpture, pottery and photography by others are often on display.

He stresses that although this has all come together with hard work, it is not all on his own. During the day this workshop is full of interns and assistants from all over the globe who have come to experience working with him and to help his creative vision come to life. Certainly the garments that will be shown (some seen here in these images) reveal very time-consuming hand-made designs. Mainly whites and reds were on display at this time but the collection is far from finished with even the shoes being painted and modified.

Garroudi was born in Teheran, and studied in Paris while working as a hairdresser. He moved to New York in 1986 and started his own house in 1993. •



Douglas Rimington is Lucire’s London-based photographer, covering all of London Fashion Week.



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