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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Left Jasper Conran went classical for spring–summer ’11.


Prints charming

Morgan Davison looks at day three at London Fashion Week, featuring Basso & Brooke and Jasper Conran
photographed by Douglas Rimington/Detune Photography


FOR BRUNO BASSO AND CHRISTOPHER BROOKE of the Basso & Brooke label, it’s all about prints, which continue to be the main attribute in their collection. Innovative and playful the prints come in many forms: flowers, black-and-white photography and hyper-reality graphics. Basso and Brooke push the boundaries of their fitted garments through the use of their prints, creative panelling and layering of printed chiffon, creating a strong unification in their collection.

Jasper Conran gave us back the easy British elegance in a style of monochrome geometry and warm summer tones for a timeless, contemporary summer. This season, he has given us the pleasure of being able to walk in those classic plimpsoles we remember. Light summer fabrics printed in ’60s chic, and ’60s styles to match, add up to a timeless vintage classicism for spring–summer 2011. •


Jasper Conran



Douglas Rimington is Lucire’s London-based photographer,
covering all of London Fashion Week.


Basso & Brooke


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