LucireThe global fashion magazine July 27, 2024  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Blak Luxe A classy taste of summer More evidence of why we love Blak Luxe so much: its summer 2011 LBD.


Summer dressing

’Tis the season of parties! So frock up in some of the best dresses out there. Sopheak Seng checks out the summer collections


Body con LBD—go Blak Luxe Victory dress!

Fall in love this festive season in the Love Dress by Alexandra Owen.

Starfish has an abundance of dresses this season. Our favourites: Honey I’m Home and Wavelength—eco friendly and fashionable chic.

Don’t be a wall flower in this! Lucinda dress by Kate Sylvester.



Sopheak Seng is fashion editor of Lucire.


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Rule the party with the César Dress by Storm.

Indian dreaming by Sera Lilly. The Johari Dress is everything a cocktail dress should be.

Dance the night away under the stars in Cybèle’s Aquarius maxi.

Pretty pleats, please, by Juliette Hogan in the Isabelle dress.

Peplums a-plenty in the gorgeous dress by Karen Walker.

Sparkle like the night sky with Ruby’s Wednesday dress.




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