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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Dark theatre

Nom D’s autumn–winter 2011 collection at New Zealand Fashion Week ranked as one of our favourites, for the mood and sculpture that it conveyed, writes Sopheak Seng


Nom D Vignettes Nom D opted to show its collection in a series of vignettes rather than a traditional catwalk show, to good effect.


DANSE MACABRE by Nom D took guests back to a mediæval world where life is fragile and always under threat.
   This year’s show was more theatre than runway as four vignettes were set in the warehouse: a chandelier covered in stockings and a bed made with old recycled brassières and corsets, a crushed car lay in the middle of the room, while a barren landscape of rocks and dying trees sat in front. Off to the side an elegant dinner party was set.
   Protection and fragility played out in contrasting fabrication. Wool, Rayon, and perforated vinyl provide classic Nom D while lace, sheer wool gauze and accents of velvet evoke a softer side of life.
   Experimential construction and cut were all there for Nom D lovers as well. This season saw a more refined sculptural aspect to the garments.
   Stitching on clothes was made to look like chain mail, while a knight in Nom D armour stalked the sets in a chain-link hood. Clothes were androgynous and couldn’t be classified as traditional clothing: each piece appeared simplistic at first glance until you saw the finely tuned construction that lay beneath. •


Sopheak Seng is fashion editor of Lucire.


Experimential construction and cut were all there for Nom D lovers as well. This season saw a more refined sculptural aspect to the garments



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