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Above Miss Universe New Zealand 2011, Priyani Puketapu, in a photo shoot in Auckland.

Save the date: Miss Universe New Zealand 2012

The countdown’s on. Later this month, contestants from around New Zealand begin arriving in Wellington for Miss Universe New Zealand 2012. You can reserve yourself a seat at the final at the Amora Hotel on June 3


ON SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 2012, the Amora Hotel Wellington (formerly Duxton) will play host to Miss Universe New Zealand, crowning the country’s representative to Miss Universe in December.

MCed by Matt McLean (One Network News) and former Miss Universe New Zealand finalist Zeisha Frémaux, you can participate in the live audience at the Amora by reserving your tickets here.

If you prefer to post a form, you can download this PDF.


N.B.: Administration and payment is handled directly by the organizers and not by Jack Yan & Associates or Lucire. After you make your reservations, please make a direct credit to the pageant. The details are at the bottom of the form.



Positively Wellington Tourism









Your name:

Your email:

Company (if applicable):

Address (street address preferred):


I would like to order the following number of tickets at NZ$120 each for the dinner and show (commencing at 6 P.M.)


I would like to order the following number of tickets at NZ$60 each for the show only (commencing at 7.30 P.M.):


For seating, which contestant do you support?


If you require your tickets via courier, please add $5.



Please make bank cheques payable to Miss Universe NZ, or direct credit to Miss Universe NZ, at BNZ Howick, account number 02-0168-0023441-000. Enquiries about payment to Val Lott, at


Photographed by Andrew Bignall


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