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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Above Bano EeMee, an example of the mixed textures at Vancouver Fashion Week

Topping the charts with help from Vancouver Fashion Week

Roanna Bell looks at the offerings from Vancouver Fashion Week to see what the key trends and emerging shapes are for autumn–winter 2012–13
photographed by Stan Lau, Eugenio Flores and Lawrence Lu


Teresa Rosati 


Add extra glamour to any piece this season by going down the adornment path. Vancouver designers showed us pieces frosted with beadwork, focusing mainly around the collar and shoulders in each piece. Place accessories with the garment for a complete evening look.

Bano EeMee

Teresa Rosati 


A trend that passes in and out of season constantly, trade your dark matte tones for gold and silver. This look can be worn for day or evening: it’s all about accessories.

Jenny Grettve

Xsenia Olya


Mixed textures

Contrast the texture of your outfit by adding on the must-have fabric of any winter wardrobe, leather. Add this element in to juxtapose the ideas of sheers and soft fabrics, giving your outfit an edgy look.

Jenny Grettve
Jenny Grettve

Melis Nur Kurban

Melis Nur Kurban

Sheer inserts

A great way to break up one-toned looks. Create an overall style by adding soft sheers to your outfit through inserts, to create the next dimension to a classic shape.




The winter coat

No autumn–winter wardrobe can be complete without a great finishing piece, the winter coat. Branch out in the vein of a peacoat-styled piece, or one can never go wrong with the classic silhouette of a trench coat. Add character to your coat by choosing bold buttons, if you find it hard to stray out of the darker tones. •



Roanna Bell is assistant fashion editor of Lucire.


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