
Lucire Living: the lifestyle and beauty pages at the global fashion magazine
January 18, 2025

Lucire: fashion magazine homeLucire Fashion FeaturesLucire Living and Beauty Lucire Volante: travel, accommodation guide Lucire fashion news, bulletins and events Fashion shopping guide and directory
Lucire Community: interact with us, read letters to the editorLucire Updates' service: sign up Lucire Feedback
EntertainmentContents page

As part of our redesign, this page has been replaced by separate Living and Beauty pages. We’ve kept this page here as a placeholder, since we know people do not like dead links.
Lucire 2005, the global fashion magazine

The Lucire 2005 gift guide
Still stuck on gifts for the holidays? Lucire presents its annual guide for shoppers by Phillip Johnson
Expanded from the December 2005 print edition of


Lucire Living | Life/Style

A new British sensation Meli Melo bags are considered some of the most the jet-set, carried by the likes of Sienna Miller and Jacquetta Wheeler. Priced at just over NZ$1,000 at Drop Dead Gorgeous, Auckland, New Zealand, on 64 9 522-8118. Also available at Blondette.

Lucire Living 2006

Most sophisticated Vespa ever Sixty years after introducing the first scooter in post-war Europe, Piaggio, the manufacturer of the world-famous Vespa scooter, has announced the release of the fastest and most technologically advanced Vespa in history: the Granturismo Sport 250 i.e. That means a 250 cm³ engine, one of the biggest in its class, for performance and excitement. See

Lucire: the global print fashion magazine

Lucire 2004 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Car to Be Seen in 2006
Our nominees for the sixth annual Car to Be Seen in, the world’s most subjective car awards

Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine Behind the swimwear
From Marisa Miller’s essentials to the make-up and hair secrets at the Miami Swim Shows by Vivian Kelly
Photographed by Richard Spiegel
Expanded from the October 2005 print edition of
Lucire 2004 | The Global Fashion Magazine No mean feet
Foot care solutions for summer feet in 2005 by Phillip Johnson
Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Anything but desperate
Lucire goes behind the scenes of Desperate Housewives as the crew heads back for the second season
Photograph at left courtesy L’Oréal Paris
Expanded from the August 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2004 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Napoleon solo
An exclusive interview with Napoleon Perdis, the Australian behind the world-famous cosmetics’ range that bears his name by Jack Yan
Excerpted from the August 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine Here comes the sun
Lucire favourites for summer skin care for both men and women by Phillip D. Johnson
Expanded from the July 2005 print edition of
Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine

For those who breathe
Karen Murrell, founder and CEO of Skinfood, has tapped into a consumer desire for simplicity and value in what is in many respects a premium product by Jack Yan
From the May 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine

The scents of summer
Men have most of the best fragrances this summer by Phillip Johnson
Expanded from the September 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Margaret Hema and her magnificent seven
From humble beginnings to a world-class facialist, Margaret Hema is much more than Liv Tyler’s favourite by Jack Yan
Main photograph by the author
Excerpted from the June 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2004 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Brittny revealed
The beautiful and soulful Brittny Gastineau took time out to shoot our cover and speaks with Lucire—our make-up story by Jessica Tarazi
Photographed by Jon Moe
Excerpted from the June 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2004 | The Global Fashion Magazine

How to shop like a star
Harrods announces its By Appointment service
From the June 2005 print edition of Lucire

Lucire 2005 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Age is not just a number
Many anti-ageing solutions are available for men, too by Phillip D. Johnson
Expanded from the May 2005 print edition of

Lucire 2004 | The Global Fashion Magazine

Beauty school knockout
Jemma Kidd may have a supermodel sister, but she’s a leading, world-renowned make-up artist and beauty academy founder
Excerpted from the April 2005 print issue of Lucire

Back issues

Some of our back issues are online, so if you're looking for our profile on Amber Peebles, our shopping pieces from London or Agatha perfume, click here.


Back issues
Lucire: fashion magazine homeLucire Fashion FeaturesLucire Living and Beauty Lucire Volante: travel, accommodation guide Lucire fashion news, bulletins and events Fashion shopping guide and directory
Lucire Community: interact with us, read letters to the editorLucire Updates' service: sign up Lucire Feedback

A JY&A Media publication Copyright ©2001–7 by JY&A Media, a division of Jack Yan & Associates. All rights reserved. All prices are in US dollars. Send us feedback.