fashion: the circuit
United nations of fashion—Bread and Butter Barcelona
Joma García i Gisbert
attends Bread & Butter Barcelonas swan song, checking
out brands from Ginch Gonch to the citys favourite exporter,
Custo Barcelona
photographed by Joma García i Gisbert

THE LAST Bread & Butter Barcelona,
which attracted some 80,000 visitors in the Spanish city over January
213, lived up to its reputation as a united nations
of fashion, featuring labels from around the world.
The trade show featured 800 brands from 100 countries,
including one of this magazines favourites, Custo Barcelona.
Karl-Heinz Müller of Bread & Butter
believes that it was time to move on, with Berlin the venue for
the next event in July.
He felt that Bread & Butter had managed to
establish itself as a leading source for streetwear and urban wear.
Levis, Wrangler, Reebok, Swarovski, Dyrberg/Kern and Adidas
Originals Eyewear were among the establishment players joining edgier
brands which included Day Birger et Mikkelsen, Dr Martens,
Phat Farm, French Connection and Canadas own Ginch Gonch (pictured
at top).
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The trade show featured 800 brands from 100 countries, including
one of this magazine’s favourites, Custo Barcelona