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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

P. Diddy Making the show The presence of Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs helped make the Versace part of Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil the highlight of Saturday evening.

Versace rocks with Diddy

The first day of Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil in Rio de Janeiro saw some great collections, but Diddy rapping for Versace was the highlight
photographed by Pedro Kirilos/Getty Images


THE SHOW at Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil in Rio de Jan­eiro—the first to be held in a Latin Ameri­can coun­try—was Ver­sace’s, which had Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs per­form at the Jockey Club.

The first night saw not just Combs and Dona­tella Versace, but Mariah Carey, Isabeli Fon­tana and Marc Jacobs present among the 5,000 crowd.

On the red carpet, we also spot­ted Ja Rule, CBF (Brazil­ian foot­ball con­federation) presi­dent Ricardo Teixeira, Estelle, Fernanda Lima and Wanessa.

As to the collec­tion, it was glamour and sensual­ity with long gowns, while the mens­wear was modelled, as Versace admit­ted to in an inter­view, by shirtless models.

Combs performed ‘Bad Boy’, ‘I’m Coming out’ and ‘I’ll Be Mis­sing You’, sampl­ing ‘Every Breath You Take’ by the Police.

Proceeds from the event go to the NGO Rio Solidário. •


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