LucireThe global fashion magazine December 13, 2024  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Givenchy The next best thing Givenchy may have been the most fashionable label at Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil.

Rio continued to rock

It wasn’t just about Diddy and Versace: there was more buzz from Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil
photographed by Pedro Kirilos and Luisa Gomes/Getty Images


WHILE DIDDY performing for Versace was our highlight at Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil, there were certainly other acts that made the event pop. Givenchy had the most fashionable; Mariah Carey was the most talked-about among the locals; while there were many other pairings worthy of note. Here are some more highlights from the event.


Alexandre Herchcovitch and Stop Play Moon

André Lima and Wan­essa and J-Rule


Calvin Klein and Mariah Carey


Lino Villaventura and Daniela Mercury


Lenny and Estelle


Givenchy and Ciara


Marc Jacobs and Grace Jones

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Versace rocks with Diddy
The first day of Oi Fashion Rocks Brasil in Rio de Janeiro saw some great collections, but Diddy rapping for Versace was the highlight
photographed by Pedro Kirilos/Getty Images

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A Latin portafolio
International photographer Thomaz heads to Guayaquil, Ecuador’s fashion capital, to check out the city’s fashion week, and to shoot for designer Patricia Klein
photographed by Thomaz



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