LucireThe global fashion magazine February 16, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Kathryn Wilson 1. Deadly Ponies: precious These hand-carved Petunia Bud Pendants are bone-fidely beautiful!

It’s all in the detail

Samantha Hannah searched out these gems just for you


2. Skin by Nude Bringing sexy back—lace up and go get ’em.


3. Pixel Ink Flox Peacock Racer dress. Chic and comfortable—love it!


4. Andrea Moore by Silverdale We shall defy summer’s ending for as long as it takes. When the wind blows coolly we’ll just shrug it off!


5. Charmaine Reveley White lace fabric over black, feminine shape: we like it!


6. Juliette Hogan Blazers are a definite season must-have and this wear-it-with-everything Juliette Hogan one is a classic.


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7. Stolen Girlfriends’ Club Bring out your inner Pocahontas and catch yourself a cowboy. 8. Starfish Gorgeous print, detailed sleeves and made from 100 per cent organic cotton. Pure perfection!


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9 Kathryn Leah Payne Desperately seeking a classy–chic look with a twist of ’80s. Ta-dah! 10 Kate Sylvester Fur is hot right now (just ask Carolina Herrera). Snuggle up in this show-stopping jacket.



Samantha Hannah is fashion editor of Lucire.


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