LucireThe global fashion magazine February 14, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Lonely Hearts Those wet winter days are no longer a problem with these Melissa shoes available from Miss Wong Clothier. They are not just comfortable, sustainable and designed by Vivienne Westwood, they also smell nice—bonus!

Winter warmer

Now that the weather is getting cooler, we all need to think about how to keep warm. Here are some ideas to get you through those frosty mornings


If you are sick of coats, a popular way to keep warm out there this winter are capes. There are many to choose from like Sophie Burrowes 100 per cent wool Fallen Cape or the Misty Lang Cape Jacket from Pixel Ink.


Don’t get frustrated with what to wear to work. You can still look stylish and cosy with these outfits, from Stitch Ministry (left) and Trix & Dandy by Michael Pattison (right).


Length is always good for warmth. Add tights and you’re even warmer. Above left Taylor Boutique Mantis merino dress. Above right Jimmy D Fortune oversized gown.


What better way to get warm than to snuggle up with a cup of tea? T Leaf T has a wide range. Try this Matcha, produced by grinding gyokuro tea leaves into powder.


Guys: be stylish and warm by adding this MisteR blazer to your winter wardrobe.


You can still bring out those beautiful skirts by adding a warm top like this Michelle Yvette gather-neck polo.


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