LucireThe global fashion magazine July 27, 2024  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Lonely Hearts These Descendant T-shirts are so amazingly beautiful, it’s like wearing art!

Print and patterns

Bring out the inner you that no one sees with the pattern and prints of your choice


Above leftThere are tulips all over this elegant Cybèle top, how can you not want one? Above right You can always count on Helen Cherry for something special to boost your wardrobe and your mood.

Above Try some patterns on the bottom half with this Sera Lilly skirt (left) or some Max (above right) tights.

If you want more of a casual look with your style this Richard Moore dress is for you!


How cool are these?! Chaos & Harmony has out done themselves again with this new age wash denim texture. Neo ’80s is so much more rad than the actual ’80s.

We all covet a GHD. Splash out a bit more and get this one, you’ll be the subject of everyone’s envy .

New kid on the block Sanit Klamchanuan has a selection of printed Ts. These are designed in Wellington, his current home and print in Thailand, his birth home. Worth taking a look.

It’s hard to find printed eyewear but Ksubi has a seriously awesome pair!




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