LucireThe global fashion magazine July 27, 2024  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Kathryn Wilson 1. Kathryn Wilson Colour me Jaffa! Eat your heart out in these delicious gems.

A day at the races

Samantha Hannah has her race day picks for the southern summer


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2. Sophie Burrowes We do love a new designer: feel light as the feather and pretty as a bird in this dainty dress. 3. Trix & Dandy Get in touch with your inner hippie! This dress is perfect from day to night. Wear bejewelled sandals at brunch changing to strapping heels for dinner with friends.


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4. Alexandra Owen We’re craving this sophisticated statement dress. 5. Trelise Cooper The butter wouldn’t melt—so pretty!


6. Twenty-Seven Names Dark decadence: this is the LBD of the season!


7. Sera Lilly Rock the party by adding fierce ankle boots to this ultimate party dress.

8. Ashley Fogel Racing stripes for Derby Day, this outfit is screaming out for a hat!



9. Amy Jansen-Leen It’s time to turn heads at the races! We like the colour and little bows.

10. Burberry Nude-coloured accessories is where it’s at this summer.



Samantha Hannah is fashion editor of Lucire.


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A beautiful, romantic story—take yourself from the house to the ocean, styled by our own Samantha Hannah
photographed by Luke Calder/Luke Calder Photography
Excerpted from issue 28 of Lucire



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