LucireThe global fashion magazine February 14, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Lonely Hearts 1. Charming trinkets like these from Karen Walker are precious, playful and fun. Wear them layered for a style statement!

Colour wheel

Uma Lele found some colour for your winter styles




2. Bring out your inner innocence and go out to play in this adorable angels coat from Ruby’s autumn–winter 2010 collection. 3. Add a splash of colour and stand out by slipping on this beautiful rose dress also by Ruby.


5. This voluminous Oyl blouse looks great teamed with a waist high pencil skirt for a corporate look. It spells classy and chic.


6. Step into winter and keep your toes warm with these luxurious Kathryn Wilson boots. Simple yet sophisticated.



4. Ray-Ban Be ahead of the pack in these bright retro-cool sunnies that add a touch of old-school glamour to any look.


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7. Twenty-Seven Names Boy meets girl. These candy pink shorts, which have a boyish charm, can be paired with just about anything and work day or night. Their versatility is why we love them! 8. Madame Hawke Paint the town red in this eye-catching cropped blazer that dresses up any outfit. A staple piece for winter that we love!


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9. Take solace and embrace pure femininity. Flirt a little in this pretty printed Juliette Hogan dress. 10. Don’t be afraid to mix and match contrasting tones. We love this Riddle Me This chunky jersey paired with a hot crimson mini.



Uma Lele is a writer for Lucire.


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