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Lucire: Living
the scene

The “united” state of Oscar

As Children Uniting Nations brought together celebrities for the noble cause of supporting at-risk youth, some of the evening’s biggest Oscar winners mirrored their mission, writes Elyse Glickman


Forget everything you know about Oscar show themes and past telecasts. Twenty ten was truly the year of the woman


Elyse Glickman is US west coast editor of Lucire.


FORGET EVERYTHING you know about Oscar show themes and past telecasts. Twenty ten was truly the year of the woman.

While this year’s Academy Awards show was brilliantly hosted by Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin, it was capped with Kathryn Bigelow taking the night’s two biggest prizes (Best Director, Best Picture) and seizing the spotlight from the one-time “king of the world” (former husband James Cameron, who recently received accolades in the press for the strong female characters in his films, Avatar included).

The night, however, also belonged to Mo-Nique and Sandra Bullock. Both actresses just happened to star in films focused on at-risk teens beating the odds. Though the roles were 180 degrees apart, the pertinence of their wins were not lost on the crowd attending the annual Children Uniting Nations’ 11th annual viewing party at the Beverly Hilton Hotel.

The charity, which helps finance a successful mentoring programme for Los Angeles’ foster children, was the real winner—not only generat­ing monies through gala ticket sales, silent and live auctions and a poker tourna­ment—but having their mission echoed in the movies Precious and The Blind Side.

All the trap­pings of a legit Oscar party were there, from top-drawer post-show entertain­ment (Elliott Yamin, MC Lyte, Matt Morris) to a sensation­al Tuscan feast from Miami-based celebrity chef Stefano Tedeschi to a clever on-site “candy land”-themed VIP suite with goodies edible and otherwise (created by highly creative bi-coastal event planner Carrie Zack), to a smooth press line (courtesy of the impressively organized Amy Balsam) to the high-roller poker game (de rigueur at many Hollywood party these days) to the impressive list of talent (Quinton Aaron, who played Michael Oher in The Blind Side, American Idol finalist andrecording artist Kimberly Caldwell, Debbie Gibson, Chaka Khan, Freda Payne, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Daphne Zuniga, James Pickens, Jr, Gloria Garayua, Samm Levine, Rosanna Arquette, Brandon Molales, Noah Cyrus, Emily Grace Reaves and Boo Boo Stewart) and a host who kept everybody entertained and focused on the reason why people generously donated to participate in the festivities.

While Rebbie and Randy Jackson accepted the Angel Award on behalf of Michael Jackson for his efforts on behalf of disadvantaged children and teens, and CUN founder Daphna Ziman expounded on the charity’s recent achievements, what gave the event a real authenticity was that the “Hollywood gala” attitude was refreshingly absent, and people really seemed to know why they were there at the Beverly Hilton. •


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