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Lucire: Fashion

A grammatical game

Kowtow’s summer 2010–11 collection continues its eco-conscious bent, with a monochromatic palette, writes Sopheak Seng




Sopheak Seng is fashion editor of Lucire.


KOWTOW WAS ESTABLISHED in 2007 and since then has grown and developed into one of the finest fashion brands using only 100 per cent Fair Trade organic cotton and materials.

Its summer 2010–11 collection, Grammatical Conjunctions (its seventh to date) sees more of a stronger focus put back into fresher, strong, uncomplicated design styles that allow the wearer to be able to layer and create looks using a monochromatic colour palette. These pieces are designed to be worn together, but still have the ability to stand alone as a directional fashion piece.

Must-haves for women for summer are the Before V T-shirt, the Before dress and the So shorts. Each piece has been designed with summer in mind, allowing ease of comfort. These multi-functional clothes make them a great choice for the eco-conscious consumer.

For men there is again a strong focus on printed Ts and fashion-forward pieces such as the Hood, a funny sartorial take on the classic hoody.

For both men and women, the collection offers the options of Unisex pieces, allowing for even more versatility in your wardrobe this coming summer. Look out for the Either pant and After coat; with sizes ranging from XS to XXL, there’s no excuse for not being able to borrow your partner’s pieces.

Kowtow has been fortunate enough this coming season to collaborate with some of New Zealand’s finest visionaries to create a series of T-shirt prints for both its women’s and men’s line.

Grammatical Conjunction will be available from August 2010, both online and in over 30 boutiques around the country. •


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