LucireThe global fashion magazine February 9, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed RSS feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Lonely Hearts Take shade under a hat this summer: Goorin Bros. does a great range. Choose from trilbies, fedoras or cheesecutters.

Summer man

Our fashion editor Sopheak Seng put together this summer top ten for the guys to keep up with the summer fashion and goodies. Girls, keep your eyes out for possible Christmas presents!


Shield your eyes from your own coolness in Le Spec sunglasses.


Protect your skin against harsh summer sun with Primal Earth skin care: organic and good for your skin.


Accessories maketh the man this season: choose edgy and rock star-like.Stolen Girlfriends’ Club has a great range, or, for those wanting something a bit more discreet, choose these Mont Blanc cufflinks to express yourself!

T-shirts are a summer staple: look out for quirky and unusual prints like these ones from Kowtow.

Step out in style with these Croft suede shoes this summer for a high fashion look. Taupe is the colour de jour.


Look sharp and smart this summer in the Wetsuit jacket by Mister: the lining will keep your temperature in check for sure.


Printed shirts are big this summer. The choices are endless, but we love Trix and Dandy for its cool floral one.


Shorts are big this summer. Team it with a matching jacket and you have an alternative to the classic suit, like this one by Wayward Heir.


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