LucireThe global fashion magazine February 16, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed
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Lucire: Fashion

Turet Knüfermann It’s a wrap For those beach babes out there, Turet Knüfermann’s kingfisher-print sarong is a must.

Getting on to Santa’s list

Have you been naughty or nice this year? There is still time to get on the good list and you’ll want to after seeing what might be under your tree, writes Sopheak Seng


He knows when you are sleeping—so look good while you’re doing it with these Macpherson Men lounge pants and boxers (left). Ladies, there is gorgeous lingerie from Elle Macpherson Intimates range as well (below).

Elle Macpherson Intimates

Want something in red instead? Here’s a bit of life on Mars, with Triumph’s Satin Seduction range in Mars Red (below).

Pamper her with a spa treatment. When the Lucire staff like to unwind we head to Spa Horrobin & Hodge in Manakau in the Horowhenua. Gift vouchers available.


Sopheak Seng is fashion editor of Lucire.


Hell for leather: Nicholas Jermyn does a great range of leathergoods, like this briefcase and wallet.

Scent of a man: Native is a fragrance in New Zealand, and is the smell you want to wake up to on Christmas morning.

Jewellery lovers out there will fall head over heels for this turquoise ring from Loumina.

Scented candles are a super-easy, fuss-free gift! Choose Ecoya for its amazing scents: even when not lit, they are simply divine. A personal fave is the sweet pear and jasmine.

The Omega de Ville Co-Axial Power Reserve is in red gold on leather strap—a combination that we feel is very on-trend for Christmas 2010.

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