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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

On a high

Nom D Full and floaty Blak Luxe managed to create a mixture of styles yet present a cohesive collection for autumn–winter ’11.


Sopheak Seng continues to choose his favourites—there are still more—from New Zealand Fashion Week autumn–winter 2011. Blak Luxe has surfaced to become one of the must-have labels, while Huffer introduces a stronger focus on womenswear, with new designer Aimée McFarlane


SOMETIMES, the best is saved for last. Blak Luxe and Huffer were among our picks from New Zealand Fashion Week’s autumn–winter 2011 shows, and they concluded the week on a high. Never mind all the stresses of the week: these two labels made us look forward to the next edition of this annual event as it reaches its 10th anniversary.


FOR WINTER, Blak Basic and Blak Luxe combined to create a unique fashion fusion. The collection, entitled Skin Deep, was a great mix of contrasts. Full-length dresses, camis, capes, jumpsuits, fur coats, vests in leather, lace, floaty chiffon and sensual silks all mixed to create easy, wearable pieces that could take you from the boardroom to an evening out. Colours ran the gamut of inky black, khaki green, soft charcoal, blood red, nude pinks and ivory.


IT WAS again back to school for fashion week attendees for the second time with Huffer’s closing show, Into the Unknown. Held at the Owen G. Glenn Building at Auckland University, it was a unique closing to the week’s events. There were school blazers, letterman jackets, casual jeans and plaid for the boys, all with quirky patches just to distinguish which clique you’re in (very American-sorority- and fraternity-like), while the girls’ highly anticipated collection by Aimée McFarlane did not disappoint. Pretty and flirty with frills and ruffles on tunics layered over leggings; leopard-print knitted cardigans and tops. Blush pinks, charcoal and khaki defined the womenswear collection while hunter red, black, indigo blue, military green and camel were the call of the day for the boys. •



Sopheak Seng is fashion editor of Lucire.


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Blak Luxe





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