LucireThe global fashion magazine January 24, 2025  Subscribe to the Lucire Insider feed
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special promotion

Become our fan—and be in to win La Prairie’s Midnight Rain

Midnight Rain—embracement, captivation, seduction Midnight Rain was formulated by virtuoso perfumers to become the flip side of Silver Rain. Where Silver Rain is the epitome of polished perfection, a fragrance to carry you confidently through the day, Midnight Rain is mysterious and tantalizing, full of sensuous intrigue that unleashes its seductive powers when the lights go down.


We’re giving away an absolutely delightful prize to one lucky online reader: a 50 ml bottle of La Prairie’s Midnight Rain, with a value of NZ$340. This time, there are no forms to fill in: all you have to do is “like” our Facebook fan page, at, and be a current member when we make the draw.




We’ve never promoted our Facebook fan page before: it’s always been something people have stumbled in to.

There is, however, a lot there, from videos and images that we don’t publish elsewhere. You can engage with us and other readers as well, and we really want to hear from you.

And if you want to keep in touch with Lucire, we post information on our new articles there first—Facebook usually gets them before Google News.

We’ll announce the draw later in 2011, no later than July 31. Current Facebook page members are automatically in the draw.



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