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Lucire: Fashion
the circuit

Deng Hao One of two Chinese-born designers showing on Day 4 of London Fashion Week, as economies move east

London Fashion Week: the bold and the colourful

Katherine Thomson sees a continued emphasis on bold patterns and colours among London’s spring–summer 2012 collections


DAY FOUR at London Fashion Week brings continued emphasis on bold patterns and colours, which seem to be a running theme through the designers’ collections this year. We witness Antonio Berardi, Deng Hao, Haiping Xie, Mark Fast, Peter Pilotto, Todd Lynn and a definite favourite, Pringle of Scotland.

Antonio Berardi’s collection was beautiful and elegant. It had a real ethereal quality to it, spiced up with a hint of oriental-inspired pattern and shapes. The more favourite pieces from Berardi’s collection were those that showed off his talent for detailed decoration, creating beautifully bejewelled pieces which reminded of an oceanic underwater creature. The models all had a slightly dewy look to their hair and make-up.

Chinese designer Deng Hao brought a collection with the main colours being red and green. The bright decorations couldn’t help but bring memories of Christmas. Her garments were beautifully crafted and her collection held a nice balance between traditional dress and a more western style. Hao kept some of her fabrics lightweight and sheer which were slightly revealing, and this helped modernize the more traditional style that was coming through.

Designer Haiping Xie comes from the same region of Shenzhen as Deng Hao. His collection came at us with more bright colours and plenty of textured layers. Xie’s collection also contained traditional Chinese elements but with more modern and westernized cuts. Xie’s more traditional elements were held in the mix of prints and patterns. The models had beautiful sleek dos which were the perfect mix of cultures.



Haiping Xie



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Katherine Thomson looks at the spring–summer 2012 collections from Fashion East, Holly Fulton, Marios Schwab and Unique
photographed by Douglas Rimington/Detune Photography

Antonio Berardi

Deng Hao




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